July 31, 2023
Wainscoting and Moulding
Wainscotings and mouldings give you the opportunity to create unique, sophisticated decors that transform any room into a timeless, refined space. It's all possible! You have the freedom to create combinations of baseboards, mouldings and wallpaper designs. Your project will be printed, including the decorations and wainscotings.
There are a multitude of possible combinations, so to inspire you in your choices, we have prepared below a selection of examples and combination ideas to create your interior.

Photographie ©living4media
Take inspiration from the associations below, then confirm your project by clicking on this link. Then all you have to do is send us an e-mail to contact@isidoreleroy.com with your dimensions, the chosen design and colour. Also specify the letter of the template chosen below for any combination or your own layout.